Unlock Yoda quotes
While paused, Down, L, R, SELECT
Unlock as blue Gungan
While on the pause menu: start, start, down, left, right, down, left, right
Unlock as C-3PO
While paused, press start, start, left, down, right, up, right, right
Play as a Battle Droid
On the start screen, Start, start, left, down, down, down, down, right
Unlock Sheep Mode
While paused, L, R, L, down, up, R, R, right, left, down, right, right
Unlock as a repair droid
While paused, start, start, up, up, up, down, down, down
Changing the color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
While in pause menu press each code for different color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
L , L, R, start - black color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
R, R, R, start - blue color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
R, L, R, start - green color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
L, R, L, start - Purple color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
L, R, R, start - red color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
R, R, L, start - yellow color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
Instantly gives a repair robot
While on the pause menu, press down, down, down, down, L, right, down, right, L
More speed for a while
While in the pause menu, press right, right, down, up, right, L.
Unlock all the cut-scenes
While paused, down, up, R, L, R, R, R, down, down, up, down, down, select
Unlock as a Droideka
While paused, start, start, down, right, left, down, right, left.
Unlock Strange Colors
While paused, L - L - L - LEFT - LEFT - R - R - RIGHT - RIGHT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - SELECT